Oerol Festival
Terschelling Island, the Netherlands 9-18 JUNE 2017
The performance Tsukumogami was performed during the Oerol Festival 2017 at Terschelling island in the Netherlands. Tsukumogami, a collaboration with Dadadadan Tenko and visual artists Maria Kley and Nishiko, was about one of the largest natural disasters in Japanese history: the seaquake of 11 March 2011. The performance tells about the catastrophic disaster, the resilience of people and the purification of sorrow.
All twenty performances were sold out. Tsukumogami was very well received by the audience as well as the press.
Director: Sawako Kitabayashi, Choreography: Isaya Mondori, Dance: Isaya Mondori, Fu Jitsukawa, Music: Akira Sakaue, Katsuyoshi Kojima, Kanako Otani, Renma Ikei, Anri Kobayashi, Moeka Hironiwa, Shun Nishijima, Hideki Sakurai, Tsuzumi Ushio, Scenery: Nishiko, Quintus Visser, Costumes: Maria Kley, Art installation: Maria Kley, Nishiko, Technical production: Quintus Visser, Sound: Eduard van Dommelen, Video: Marieke van der Lippe, Production and Publicity: Maria van den Broek
Tsukumogami Trailer
Tsukumogami backstage video